Illustration by: Jane Manning
Prelutsky, Jack, and Jane Manning. There's no place like school: classroom poems. New York: Greenwillow Books, 2010.
ISBN: 970060823382
Jack Prelutsky has once again collected poems that all school age children and adults who remember school can relate to. This collection of poetry is a look into the inter workings of a true day of school. The poems are clever and witty and will only make you smile and nod your head in agreement. The poets featured are definite up and comers or names you already recognize in the world of poetry so take notice of some of the names (Lee Bennet Hopkins, Kay Winters,Carol Diggory Shields and many more including Jack Prelutsky).
The illustrations by Jane Manning take a life of their own with scenes from school that once again will have you laughing.I especially loved the picture of "When the Teacher Isn't Looking" by: Kenn Nesbitt. (timeless).
It's Today?
By: Sara Holbrook
The science test
is not
Poem/Book Introduction
This book could be used in so many ways through out the year in the library. You can practically post up one of the poems every week, so children can enjoy,laugh and smile. It's Today? would be a great starter in a collaboration with a science teacher. I know as a librarian I have helped with many investigations in the science lab unearthing answers and asking new questions. The poem will have students smiling and thinking about those feelings of just finding out about a test will happen as you walk in; this is a great ice-breaker!